
Live your Life with No Regrets

Sitting at my desk, i’m thinking about relationships. (I suppose the quote I shared yesterday that happens to be glaring at me as we speak would be the reason as to why)

It reads as follows:

“In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, relationships we are afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make”

The word “regret” is defined as the emotion sensed for feeling sorry or sad about a person, place or thing (after an event took place)

It can can appear to be hurtful by others as well….

“Chances not taken”, I can understand how regret ties to this somehow. If you do try and fail, you don’t feel good about the outcome. If you don’t try, you feel inadequate because your mind allowed the “shouldda,couldda, wouldda, but didn’t scenario to take over your brain .

“Relationships we are afraid to have”, if you don’t try, try again, and after that, keep trying til you win, you will always be a sore love loser. Love hurts….bottom line. Not intentionally and not all the time. When you have two people trying to become one soul intertwined, someone is the distributor and one will receive the aftermath of. That’s why it pays to “Be Full”, remember happy people stay full. If you’re happy, your relationships are good.

1Corinthians  talks about the beautiful side of love….

If you take life quizzes and “charge it to the pain”, when the true test of love comes you’ll pass with flying colors. Love takes strength and only the strong survive 😉

“Decisions that took too long to take”, kinda like musical chairs…If you don’t make moves or attempt to, someone is going to have the heart to beat you to the punch of trying. You can’t be afraid to try. If you fail, be persistent enough to restructure ur plan, rebuild your foundation and get back up again….